Friday, September 16, 2022

Late note for Flame Con 2022


It's quite late, but here are my impressions of Flame Con on August 20th and 21st.

Actually, even though I've been a guest before, it was my first time having my own table at the Flame Con this year.

It was an unforgettable weekend with many wonderful things happening.


First and foremost, I provided the cover, back cover, and inside illustrations for 

By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime and Manga, written by one of my best friends, Erica Friedman. We did signing together at the table.

Erica's book sold well and almost sold out on the first day. 

"Twenty years ago this would never have happened. I had to explain to everyone what 'Yuri' was, but now everyone knows" she said. Erica held YuriCon in NJ in 2003, but it was really too early. I think people who participated in that event were able to experience a really rare experience.

If I hadn't met Erica by chance in 2001, I wouldn't be who I am today. Every time I talk about it with Erica, we say that it was fate that we met at a lesbian bar in Manhattan. 

Thank Goddess!


from right: Erica, Justin, and me

When there was no line and I have a time,
I draw a portrait in my manga style for a customer.
It is a fun 3min-drawing!

At AnimeNYC last year, a visitor who was cosplaying of Kakegurui masked student council member bought the first volume of my book Tokyo Love: Rica ‘tte Kanji, and then came to buy the all sequel, wanting to read the continuation of the story. She showed a real face this time, but I knew it was her right away and I thought it was amazing LOL. I was impressed that she dropped by my table of the Comic Con where you had to pay an admission.

Others brought the very first original English version of Rica 'tte Kanji, published in 2003, and asked to sign it. I'm really happy to think that she didn't throw away the old books for 20 years and kept them on the bookshelf, and that she came to see me with the book!

Also, I met an artist who drew fan art and gave it to me! I love her drawing style and the color. This encourages me a lot.!!!!! @oliviorbb Check out her Instagram pls!

A populer artist Olivior and me♪

Jennifer Camper, Carlo Quispe, so on friends from before came to see us, and it was a reunion after Covid. Oh, I'm glad I have friends, I am a member of the community here, I thought.


Flame Con as a whole, was great place LGBTQ+ can enjoy safety, however, there weren't many authors and artists selling stories about female couples, love, issues, etc. so I hope there will be more for next year.

See you next time at the Women in Comics @Bronx Library Center on October 29th

    Useless addition

It was my first time to attend a Comic Con table since AnimeNYC last year, but last year at that time, I was actually in the worst physical condition, so I took harsh medicine every day and managed to get through 3 days. But now I'm not having migraine headaches or bladder pain, and I've recovered quite a bit and been able to participate in Flame Con, which is one of the good things.

Thanks to all!


かなり遅れてしまったけど、820,21Flame Conの感想です。
実は今までゲストになった事はあってもFlame Conで自分のテーブルを持つのは初めてでした。


なんといってもまずは私が表紙、裏表紙と中のイラストを提供した、親友の一人であるErica Friedmanが出版したBy Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime and Mangaをテーブル販売し、そこで一緒にsinging した事です。



ジャスティンもQueer Comic作家さん。


昨年のAnimeNYCKakeguruiの仮面の生徒会のコスプレをしてたお客さんが1巻目を買ってくれて、で、お話の続きが読みたいって続きを買いに来てくれました。今回は素顔できてくれたんだけどすぐに彼女だってわかった私もすごいって思ったLOL 。入場料を払って入るコミコンのお店にわざわざ来てくれるって感動しちゃったよ。

他にも2003年に最初に出版されたオリジナルの英語版Rica ‘tte Kanjiを持って来てサインしてと言ってくれた方もいた。20年も昔の本を捨てないで本棚においてくれていたんだ、そして会いに来てくれたんだって思うと本当に嬉しい。


作家さんのアカウントは @oliviorbb です。


それからそれからJennifer Camper, Carlo Quispesさんなどなど、以前からの知り合いが私たちを訪ねて来てくれてコロナ以降の再会でした。ああ私には友達がいるんだ、よかったなあって思いました。


Flame Con全体では、女性カップルのお話を売る作家さんはあまりいなくて寂しかったので、もっともっと増えて欲しいなと思っています。

次回は1029日のWomen in Comics @Bronx Library Centerで会いましょう♪



