Monday, November 26, 2018

Rica's Original mini Calender 2019!

Thank you very much for supporting Aliens in New York, Peekaboo-art project in 2018!

I couldn’t draw any funds to Aliens in New York for fiscal year 2018, so there was only one time event in New York Botanical Garden in May with payment from NYBG.

Besides, I started two new projects, One Stop Family Pop Up and StopGap Ramp Project NYC.

One of reasons I started Aliens in NY was I believe empathy is very important to us.
We should emphasize with other people who is in difficulty but trying to make better world.
The themes for the project were LGBTQ, diversity, and pregnant women, etc.
One of my challenges was how toencourage people to take daily action after interacting with the project.
I was seeking new ways to develop the project. 
Last year, I collaborated with other organization UP-Stand, which installs practical accommodations for mothers and families. I felt I could learn a lot of new methods to develop the art project there.
I decided to carry the two new projects rather than the art project for a while.
I believe these all experiences will help me further develop my art project.
Please take a look at the latest blog.

I have saved all donations to Aliens in NY in NYFA account to next 19/20 years.
Each event costs $500-5,500/site depending on size. It is impossible to happen without your support. 

 Please help the art project by tax-deductible donation and get an original mini calendar!
This mini calendar is a perfect card/gift for holiday season.
It can be sent as a holiday card and they can be used as a calendar.
The three drawings are by Rica Takashima.
 Since they are small, they can use it in the office, locker, or on a fridge.
(10 x 6.5 inch)
There are two blank pages to write messages to your receiver.

 These are Hanafuda (Flower card). Boar, Deer, and Butterfly. This combination is one of strongest pat hands.
I was inspired by Hanahuda for the cover of my 2019 calendar. I hope it will bring a lot of blessedness to you.

This is a perfect item to start the Year of the Boar with.
One card for $15, and three cards for $35.
(Please see grid below: Your tax-deductible cost will be $6/one $16/three after deducting the transaction, postal expenses, and basic cost) You will get one extra card from Rica as a thank you card, so you can use it for yourself!
Please visit the NYFA page to donate for Aliens in New York art project.

Please put “Holiday” at Note section.
This special opportunity lasts until end of December.
All donors will receive my original Manga report 2017-18
(I am terribly sorry, I knew I couldn’t finish it this year. It was stocked in pencil sketch. I will do it this year- my new year resolution?)

Your kindness donation will be used to events like transportation, material cost for art workshop, etc. Our project is a space where strangers from different backgrounds can meet, understand and create art together. Through interactive arts, participants experience face-to-face personal contact, rather than communicating through Internet social networking services in virtual worlds. This tangible human interaction is needed in our society.
Thank you very much,

Rica Takashima

Saturday, November 24, 2018


いつもAliens in New Yorkのアートプロジェクトを応援してくださってどうもありがとうございます。
しかしながらAliens in New York の他に、二つのアートではないプロジェクトをスタートしました。
One Stop Family Pop Up 
StopGap Ramp Project NYCです。
Aliens in New York の目的は自分ではない他人になる想像をして共感を持つことです。共感を持つことが他人同士の歩み寄りになり話し合いを可能にし、より良い社会を作って行くと信じています。私の課題はAliens in New York に参加したアート経験を、どうやって参加者の実生活の中に取り込んでもらって生かして行くのか、ということでした。
One Stop Family Pop Up StopGap Ramp Project NYCは、参加者の生活に直接関わるプロジェクトです。その運営を通じて、いつものアートとは離れた様々な人たちと出会っています。この学びをいつか自分のアートに役に立てたいと考えています。ブログをご高覧いただければ幸いです。

皆さんがくださった援助資金は来年以降のAliens in New York のためにNYFAのアカウントに貯金しています。どうかこの活動を持続出来るように、今年も年末の寄付をお願いします!寄付は税金控除になります。

25 x 16cm表紙は干支のイノシシです。花札の猪鹿蝶の意匠を自分なりにデザインしました。カードの中はブランクですので、あなたのメッセージが自由に書き込めます。
ここのNYFA(NY州芸術財団)のページからAliens in New Yorkのアートプロジェクトを応援してください!どうかお願いします!メモ欄に”Holiday”とお書きください。
Aliens in New York page at New York Foundation for the Arts